Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors.
Wykoff Church: A place for all to belong.
Our Vision: The Wykoff United Methodist Church is commissioned from God to disciple all of God's people through faith, harmony, service, the sacraments and love.
Worship: 10:00 a.m. Sunday
Come hear my Grandpa preach and all the people sing! Music is a blend of the traditional and contemporary. Sermons are prepared integrating the historical context of scripture and Jesus' great call to love God and our neighbor. We are a casual worshiping congregation. Communion is served on the first Sunday of the month and is open to all. Come as you are!
Faithful and Welcoming
We believe God loves all people - and calls us to do the same. Therefore, come as you are. At Wykoff United Methodist Church, you won't be judged. Come and discover the gifts that God has given you and share them with our Loving Community
Annual Clothing Drive
We believe that all are called into the ministry of the church. As a sign of this we engage the community in an annual clothing drive to help those in need and to be good stewards by helping everyone to recycle and upcycle the clothing in their closets for the benefit of everyone.
Opportunities for service
Wykoff Church has a...
- active United Methodist Women's (UMW) group.
- yearly clothing drive and giveaway in October.
- chicken pie supper in April and a German meal in September
- shoe-box drive for Operation Christmas Child
Children's/Youth activities
- Sunday School
- Yearly camping opportunities with camperships
- Confirmation
- One-day Vacation Bible School
- In-church youth room
- Roller-skating night
Yes! We will do a baptism, serve you communion, unite persons in marriage and perform funerals for your loved ones.
We would be honored to celebrate these important moments in your spiritual life and invite you to journey with us! Contact Pastor Jeff for more information.
Wykoff United MethodistChurch
236 Gold St. South
Wykoff, MN 55990
Pastor Jeff Goeldi